Tuition Information
At Faith Baptist Schools, you will find a quality education, caring, professional teachers, and secure modern facilities offered at an affordable price. You can also choose from a variety of convenient service options, including transportation and Extended School Day.
Tuition Value
As a not-for-profit ministry of Faith Baptist Church, Faith Baptist Schools seeks to provide the highest quality education at the lowest possible cost. With the school’s 11 acre campus and buildings debt free, Faith Baptist is able to focus tuition dollars on recruiting and retaining highly qualified teachers whose passion is to educate and to train children in the way they should go.
Tuition includes daycare and study hall fees, graduation, and multi-student discount as applicable. Enrollment is limited and thus made available to current students in the January preceding each academic school year; afterwards, enrollment is made available to the public on a first come, first serve basis.
Tuition Schedule 2025/2026 School Year
1st Child*
2nd Child*
3rd Child*
4th/5th Child*
1st-5th Grades
6th-8th Grades
9th-12th Grades
*subject to Discount Policy
Fee Information:
Flat Rate and cannot be adjusted, discounted, nor prorated.
$180 (K2-K4)
$375 (K5)
$385 (1st-5th Grades)
$400 (6th-12th Grades)**
**9th-12th grade full-time Faith Baptist student not taking college courses.
With any credit/ debit card payment there is a 2.99% card processing fee.
Tuition Payment Options and Details:
Annual Payment Plan
The full tuition invoice must be paid between August 1 and August 6. The invoiced amount will include a 5% discount on tuition. Payments can be made checking account or credit card through the Parent Portal. Credit and debit card payments will be charged the non-discounted amount which is 2.99% greater than the invoice total. Payments made after 12:00 AM on August 7th will forfeit the Pay-In-Full discount.
Discount & Award Schedule:
Founder's Award
The student must have received the Founder's Award from either the 5th-or 8th- grade graduation ceremony. The award is applied only to the 6th- or 9th- grade academic year, respectively.
Pay-In-Full Discount
The full tuition invoice must be paid between August 1 and August 6. Payments made after 12:00 AM on August 7th will forfeit the Pay-In-Full Discount.
Pastoral Discount
The father/ male guardian must be a full-time senior pastor with a single source of income from ministry. (1 Tim. 3:1-7) A Pastoral Discount Application must be submitted with required documentation no later than July 1 for the upcoming school year. The application and supporting documentation will be reviewed by our Financial Office. This application must be resubmitted every year.
Multi- Student Discount
see Tuition Fee Schedule
Siblings must be dependents of the same household. The first child tuition rate is the child with the highest tuition rate.
Sandra Torigian Award
The student must have received the Sandra Torigian Award.
Alumni Discount
Parent/ legal guardian must be a Faith Baptist student graduate from 12th grade and a member of the Faith Baptist Alumni Association.

Discount Policy:
Accounts may not receive multiple discounts except for the Pay-In-Full Discount. The greatest discount will be applied to the family account as appropriate (not applicable to credits).
Example: An alumnus enrolls a 3rd-grade and K3 student into FBS. Tuition for both children totals $16,330. The 15% Alumni Discount is greater than the Multi-Student Discount of $910. Therefore, this family would receive only the Alumni Discount. The family could also receive the 5% Pay-In- Full Discount if paid in full by the deadline.
New Student Referral Program:
The New Student Referral Incentive Program awards a referring Faith Baptist Schools family with a $200 tuition credit for each new student that is referred to, enrolls in and attends Faith Baptist Schools. This tuition credit is applied two times per school year in October ($100.00) and March ($100.00). (Refer a family that enrolls two students and receive a $400 tuition credit; refer a family that enrolls three students and receive a $600 tuition credit, etc. Cannot exceed the referring family’s tuition amount.)
In order to qualify for the New Student Referral Incentive Program reward, you must register your referral using the Verification Form below. Please read the program Description and Procedures, then fill out the Verification form.