Although Faith Baptist Schools’ Christian philosophy is embedded into our curriculum, the School’s academic scope and
sequence is fully aligned with California State Content Standards. Faith Baptist’s Contender Qualities state the knowledge
proficiencies, and appreciation for education that students should possess upon graduation from Faith Baptist Schools.
Spiritually Minded—Do your best for God.
Academically Capable—Do your best at school.
Physical Sound—Do your best with the body God gave you.
Socially Developed—Do your best with people.

Mission of Faith Baptist Schools
Fine Arts
Faith Baptist Schools offer an advanced academic program, and music plays a huge part in the well-rounded development of a student. The choral program of FBS starts with our beginning choir in 1st and 2nd grade, learning the basics of tone production, music learning through note reading, rote and Kodaly system, and performances throughout the year. In the third grade, choir class is part of the class instruction once a week. In 4th-8th grade, choir is offered as an elective which gives the student a chance for performances in chapels, winter, spring, open house concerts, nursing home ministries, and an opportunity to represent Faith Baptist School as a group in the yearly Fine Arts Competition at West Coast Baptist College.

Choral class for the senior high level is more exciting. The high school choir has more opportunities in chapels, church conferences, nursing home ministries, as well as concerts and at least one competition for the year at West Coast Baptist College. If a student has been a choir member for six consecutive semesters (Freshman-Junior year), the student may classify the choir class in the senior year as a college credit class through Colorado Christian University Dual Enrollment Program. This gives the student an extra bump in his GPA.

Student Clubs
Senior High Clubs include: Chess Club, History Club , Drama Club , Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) , Mu Alpha Theta Math Club, STEM – A, National Honors Society, Cultural Club, English & Literature Club, Medical Emergency Disaster Squad, Branching Out Bible Club, Kingsmen Bible Club, Tri-M Music Honors Society, and Bible Quiz. Junior High Clubs include: Bible Quiz, Music Club, History Club, and Chess Club.
FBS Band and Color Guard